We'll have a lot of great stuff, including:
- T-shirts screenprinted by Jak Cardini and Sarah Cassidy with our owl god (viewable [and purchasable!] on our etsy)
- The Gold County Paper Mill Presents the DVD (viewable on our etsy), a collection of live performances and videos featuring Jak Cardini, William Cardini, and Dr. Chuch (some of which can be watched either here or here), and an interactive version of the comic Impossible Objects, where William Cardini illustrated lines from Jak Cardini's poetry
- Print versions of the Impossible Objects comic
- Jak Cardini Achieves the Narratological Singularity and There Is a Mars, two poetry chapbooks by Jak Cardini
- Swimming at Work, a collection of short fiction by David Fullen
- Screenprinted posters of William Cardini's one-page comic WITCH ATTACKS (previously published online at hahaclever.com) done by the super-talented Rand Renfrow
- Other digital prints of two of William Cardini's one-page ATTACKS comics
- Masks, TRANZ, and Froghead Hangover, three minicomics by William Cardini
This Is How We Do It